All prices are for 1 edited video up to 5 minutes in length.
4 Hr Shooting Day
Single Location
Single Camera
Basic Editing and Graphics
HD Video in MP4 Format
As a musical artist in today's world, you can't go far without at least one music video. Make the investment in your art with this entry-level offering.
Good for:
Artists with a tight budget
First music video
Simple yet effective presentation
10 Hr Shooting Day
Up to 3 Locations
Up to 3 Cameras
Advanced Lighting
Advanced Editing
Advanced Visual FX
Advanced Stock Content
HD and 4K Video in MP$ Format
You get regular gigs, and your music is streaming on all the major platforms. You are getting noticed. Now show off all that talent and hard work with a killer music video!
Good for:
Artists who want to enhance their growing exposure
Artists who have a bigger budget
Promoting songs and CDs
Live performance capture
Up to 3 10-Hour Shooting Days
Up to 6 Cameras (including advanced GoPro placement)
Outdoor Drone Footage
Premium Visual FX
Green Screen Option
Additional Actors
Advanced Lighting
Premium Stock and or Original B-Roll Footage
HD and 4K Video in MP4 or MOV ProRes Formats
You have big dreams and your budget can handle the pressure!
Good for:
Signed artists
Bands and artists with big visions
Songs that are best served by a narrative, movie-like feel